Everyone over 18 should have an estate plan so they -- and not the courts -- get to decide:
It's especially important for business owners!
Whether you are a solopreneur or have a team of employees, your business can come to a screeching halt if you have an accident or medical emergency and are unexpectedly not available to run it.
In this program, you get:
1. An interview with estate planning attorney Ryan Apperson, who tells you why estate planning is so important and gives tips on what to include in your planning.
Note: Ryan practices law in California. If you live elsewhere, the laws may be different, but the point remains the same: If you haven't done your estate plan, do it ASAP!
2. A checklist to help you plan for any time you aren't available to run your business.
I'm guessing this is not something you've thought about much, but it's something every business owner should do as a standard course of business. Spend a little bit of time now to create yours now, then review and update it as necessary annually. That's it! If the unforeseen happens, you'll be so glad you did.
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